Pinch my salt - Go on you know you want to...

Monday 9 August 2010

Rambling on

Haven't written a proper post in quite some time, not that it gets read or anything but oh well. What have i been up to, lets see..parties,shopping, meeting new people, cinemas to see letters to Juliet,inception and eclipse. Inception was the best, great film im telling you and yesterday i went for a massive picnic with peoples and i got to row a boat down stratford :). Fun fun fun.

Made everyone laugh yesterday, guy wanted a group photo and there was no where to put the camera and i shouted 'waiiit i have a tripod in my bag' then i whapped out the massive tripod from my tiny bag, amusing stuffs. Made people laugh, laughing is good. Now i feel super tired, run-down and dead. It's my mission tonight to be in bed for 11pm and attempt to sleep cause damn do i need it D:

Applied for college moments ago...maybe i'll get an interview who knows, maybe i'll go to college and do photography or maybe i wont. Nothings certain with me anymore ): *sigh*. Ohh i drove for the first time ever at the weekend in my mums car, what a buzz :') so yeah also just asked a driving school how much they're going to charge me to parade around on the roads in a car. Me, in a car, driving? oh this should be amusing. I need to drive soo much, more than ever actually. Independence is useful especially now.

If you do actually pay attention to my posts i always put a picture up, it looks terribly bare without one. So here, have a picture, one i took yaya.

Right i must be off to do me chores..

p.s if you have dailybooth, follow me -
Ciao beautifuls



  1. Oh my pants, you're such a rad photographer! I heart your blog and I'm a new lemming!


  2. Thankyou aha :) consider yourself followed x


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